Iš tamsos
Jenny Kagan
Skaityti lankytojų paliktus komentarus
Vienas nuostabiausių dalykų, kokį mačiau. Buvo verta kiekvieno centro. PATIKO.
– One of the most wonderful things I have ever seen. It was worth every penny. I liked it.
Ačiū labai už kelione laiku, viltis visada yra, kad pasaka bus su laiminga pabaiga.
– Thank you a lot for this time travel, there is always hope, that the fairytale will have a happy ending.
Buvo nejauku, stipri patirtis.
– It wasn‘t comfortable, strong experience.
Paroda paliko labai didelį įspūdį. Išėjome su šeima įsigyvenę žydų išgyvenimus. Dėkojame už parodą.
– Exibition left a very strong impression. With family we left feeling like we experienced those things ourselves. We are thankful for this exibition.
Nuostabi paroda! Labai tikroviška, išsami. Tiksliai beviltišką žydų patirtį atskleidė ant sienų užrašyti įsakymai atiduoti kiekvieną turimą daiktą.
– Incredible exhibition! Very real and detailed. Orders on the wall revealed the exact experience of those Jewish people, when they were asked to give everything they had.
Labai liūdna, bet labai svarbi ir įtraukianti patirtis. Turime nepamiršti. Ačiū.
– Very sad, but very important and engaging experience. We must not forget. Thank you.
Labai faina, daugiau tokių parodų.
– Very nice, more exhibitions like this.
Labai informatyvu, amazing attention for detail.
– Very informative, amazing attention to the detail.
Šokiruonati patirtis, labiausiai prie šių košmariškų įvykių priartinusi paroda. Moko žmogiškumo, dėkoju.
– Shocking experience, this exhibition is one that brought me closer to understanding these terrible events. It teaches humanness, thank you.
Ačiū labai už tokį subtilų, menišką ir įtraukiantį nusikėlimą į praeitį ir tikrą istoriją… labai gražu, gilu,įdomu, verčia pamąstyti ir būti dėkingam už tai, ką turiu.
– Thank you a lot for this subtle, artistic and immersive journey into the past and real story… it is very beautiful, deep, interesting, makes you think and be grateful for what you have.
Labai gera paroda, labai tinkamos erdvės, labai įdomūs sprendimai, ačiū.
– Very good exhibition, very suitable spaces, very interesting decisions, thank you.
Labai įdomi paroda įvairaus amžiaus žmonėms, ypač tiems, kas nežino tos istorijos.
– Very interesting exhibition for people of all ages, especially for those who do not know that story.
Labai įdomus muziejus.
– Very interesting museum.
Buvo labai nauja ir įdomi patirtis. Leido pažinti geto gyvenimą plačiau.
– It was very new and interesting experience. Allowed to get to know the life of the ghetto more.
Ačiū, tai daugiau negu istorija. Tai nukelia į patirtis kaip niekas kitas. Wow!
– Thank you, this is more than history. This brings to experiences like nothing else. Wow!
Šilta ir spaudžianti širdį vieta. Ačiū.
– Warm and heartbreaking place. Thank you.
Labai patiko siūlyčiau visiems.
– Really liked it I would suggest it to everyone.
Labiausiai emociškai palietusi paroda, kurioje esu buvusi. Labai trapu, parodą pajaučiau visu kūnu. Apgalvota kiekviena detalė. Didžiausi aplodismentai.
– The most emotionally touching exhibition I have ever been to. Very delicate, I felt the exhibition with my whole body. Every detail has been thought through. The biggest applause.
Pasivaikščiojimas istorija – skaudžia, protu nesuvokiama, tačiau ji apie dideles širdis. Thank you.
– Walk through history – hurt, unfathomable but it is about big hearts. Thank you
Ačiū už neįkainojamą patirtį.
– Thank you for the priceless experience.
Paroda, kuri palietė širdį. Su savimi išsinešu kankintoją viltį. Stipru. Ačiū.
– Exhibition that touched my heart. I will take torturing hope with me. Strong. Thank you.
Sudėtinga ir baisi tikrovė, pristatyta įtraukiančiai. Ačiū už papasakotą istoriją ir gyvenimą, kurį turėjo patirti tometinai žydai Lietuvoje.
– Immersively presented difficult and horrible reality. Thank you for the story and life that had to experience Jewish people back in the day in Lithuania
Puiki paroda! Sukurta labai įtaigi atmosfera. Ačiū
– Amazing exhibition! You made very mesmersing atmosphere. Thank you.
Labai įdomi paroda, tikrai privertė suklusti ir suprasti, kaip buvo sunku tais laikais gyventi. Ačiū, kad parodėte ne tik gražius dalykus.
– Very interesting exhibition, actually made me pay attention and understand how hard it was to live back then. Thank you for showing not only beautiful things.
Žmonės – sukluskim! Neleiskim tam kartotis niekada
– People listen up! Let‘s not allow this to happen again.
Man labai patiko.
– I liked it very much.
Neapsakomas jausmas tarsi nusikelti į šiurpius išgyvenimus. Paroda perteikia nepaprastai stiprią emociją, kuri tiesiog gniaužia kvapą. Ačiū.
– It’s an indescribably feeling – like being transported to a terrifying experience. The exhibition conveys an extremely strong emotion that simply takes your breath away. Thank you.
Sukrečianti ne paroda, bet gyvenimas! Vien ko vertas kambarys(?erdvė?). su žvilgsniu į žvaigždes.
– It is not the exhibition that is shocking, but life! The room alone is work something. Gazing at the stars.
Iki gelmių sukrečianti istorija, paliečianti viską be išimties.
– Deeply disturbing story that touches everything
Padeda suprasti kaip gerai mes gyvename ir kokios menkos atrodo mūsų problemos.
– Allows to understand how good we live and how our problems seem so little.
Pajutau gilų liūdesį – toks, deja, neteisingas ir žiaurus gali būti žmogus. Fanatizmas su ideologija – ar gali kas būti baisiau.
– I felt deep sadness – unfortunately, that‘s how a person can be cruel and unfair. Fanatism with ideology – can it be scarier?
– Wonderful!
Išgyvensim! Prižadu.
– We will survive! I promise.
Labai žiauru, ką teko išgyventi jiems – žydams.
– Very horrible what they – Jewish people – had to live through
Tokio tipo parodoj man dar nėra tekę būti. Džiaugiuosi, kad čia atėjau.
– I‘ve never been to this type of exhibition. I am very happy that I came.
Dėkui sumanytojams, organizatoriams!!! Išgyvenau šią kraupią dramą, tapau dalyve. Ačiū
– Thank you to people who thought of this and the organisators! I lived through this horrible drama, I became a participant. Thank you.
Puiki paroda, norėtųsi nukreipti visus, kuriems niežti nagus viską čiupinėti muziejuose.
– Great exhibition, I want to show it to everyone who itches to touch everything in the museums.
Turbūt vienintelis prasmingas renginys Kaunas 2022 žemėlapyje.
– Probably the only meaningful event in the Kaunas 2022 map.
Įspūdinga, paveiki, priverčianti dar kartą apmastyti didžiausią XXI a. tragediją.
– Impressive, impactful and makes you think again about the greatest 21st century tragedy.
Geriausia paroda Kaune. Emocionalu, skaudu ir žaisminga. Prie dienoraščio autorės prisirišau lyg prie žmogaus, kurį pažinočiau…
– The best exhibition in Kaunas. Emotional, heartbreaking and playful. I felt attached to the author of the diaries like to a person I‘ve known…
Paroda nuostabi, palietė mane ir didžiuojuosi dėl visų žydų, kurie stengės išgyventi ir bent kažkek gavo laisvės. Myliu šitą parodą, nors man tik 14.
– The exhibition is wonderful, it touched me and I am proud of every Jewish person who tried to survive and got even a little of freedom. I love this exhibition, even though I am only 14.
Labai įdomi, puikiai įgyvendinta ir pateikta idėja, buvo verta aplankyti!
– Very interesting, greatly fulfilled and presented idea, it was worth to visit it!
Labai jautru, patiriami jausmai einant per parodą – veria širdį, tačiau galiausiai viduje – lieka šviesa ir ramybės patyrimas. O, kad daugiau tokie dalykai ir istorijos nesikartotų.
– Very touching, feelings were felt while walking through the exhibition – heartbreaking, but deep down – there is a feeling of light and tranquility. Oh, I wish things like these won‘t happen again in history.
Jaudinanti istorija. Žmonių gebėjimas mylėti ir tikėti, stengtis gyventi ir džiuginti artimą palietė labai giliai.
Ačiū už patirtį. Tegyvuoja meilė ir drąsa.
– Touching story. People‘s ability to love and believe, to try to live and cheer up everyone you are close to touched very deeply. Thank you for experience. Long live love and courage.
Parodos metu kiekvienas pasivaikščiojimas palietė pačios širdį. Paragino labiau įsiklausyti, mylėti žmones aplink ir patį gyvenimą.
– During the exhibition every walk through touched my heart. It encouraged me to be a better listener, to love people around me and life itself.
Tikrai gera ir reikalinga paroda, nes: istorija eina ratu…
– Really good and important exhibition, because: history is going in circles.
Baisus žmonių likimas, atskleistas nepaprastai vizualiai įtraukiai. Paroda suteikia vilties tikėjimo (kaikuriais ) žmonėms
– Horrible fate of the people which is shown impressively visually immersively. The exhibition gives you hope and lets you believe in (some) people
Nuostabi paroda. Sukėlė daug emocijų nuo baimės ir skausmo ir gailesčio iki laimės ir vilties. Įkvepianti informacija apie žmonių stiprybę nepasiduoti ir kovoti dėl išgyvenimo. Labai kokybiškai perteikta karo energija. Thank you
– Wonderful exhibition. It evoked many emotions from fear and pain and pity to happiness and hope. Inspirational information about the strenghts of people to not to give up and fight for survival. The exhibition shows the energy of war well. Thank you
Tai mūsų istorijos dalis, kuri labai skaudi, bet visi turime ją žinoti, kad ir kaip tai skaudu. Su meile, Gina.
– This is a part of our history which is hurts, but we all need to know it, no matter how hurtful it is. With love, Gina.
Potyriai ir jausmai, kurie ilgam išliks atmintyje. Ačiū už tokią ypatinga kelionę. Branginu kiekvieną istoriją.
– Feelings and emotions that will stay for a long time in my memory. Thank you for a unique journey. I will cherish every story.
Paroda be galo patiko, pasirodė labai interaktyvi ir praturtinanti. Sužinojau, tai, kad prie eksponatų buvo galima prisiliesti jais pasinaudoti taip sustiprinant patirtis ir išgyvenimus.
– I liked the exhibition a lot it seemed very interactive and enriching. I learned that it was possible to touch the exhibits and use them, thereby enhancing experiences.
Buvo netikėtų vaizdinių ir daiktų. Įdomu. Labai įdomi, bet tuo pačiu verčianti susimąstyti apie tuos laikus ir žmones, paroda.
– There were unexpected visuals and items. Interesting. The exhibition was very interesting and at the same time made you think about those times and people.
Sukrėtė, privertė susimąstyti… Kuo tai skiriasi nuo dabartinių įvykių Ukrainoje? Niekuo. Ačiū kūrėjams, įgyvendintojams. Dovydas, Gintė ir Gabrielius
– Shocked and made us think. How does it differ from the current events in Ukraine?It doesn ‘t. Thank you to the creators and makers of this exhibition. Dovydas, Gintė and Gabrielius
Labai įdomi paroda, viena geriausių, kuriose esu buvusi. Viskas taip padaryta, kad galėtum pasijausti lyg išgyventum viską pats. Pastatas parinktas puikiai, visi efektai, kambariai. Siūlysiu šią parodą visiems, kuriuos pažįstu.
– Very interesting exhibition, one of the best I have ever been to. Everything is made so you could feel like you are living in it yourself. The building has been picked perfectly, all the effects, rooms. I will recommend this exhibition to everyone I know.
„Iš tamsos“ suteikė daug daugiau nei būčiau galėjusi tikėtis. Apsilankymas čia buvo jautrus, kinematografiškas bei įspūdingas, įkvepiantis. Ačiū
– „Out of Darkness“ gave me much more than I could have expected. Visiting it was touching, cinematic and impressive, inspiring. Thank you.
Nesitikėjau būti taip stipriai paveikta šios parodos. Tai buvo vienas skausmingiausių, bet taip pat gražiausių dalykų, ką esu mačiusi.
– I didn‘t expect to be this touched by this exhibition. This has been one of the most heartbreaking as well as beautiful things that I have ever seen.
Labai gera paroda. Negaliu sakyti, kad patiko, nes tokie dalykai negali patikti, bet tikrai paliko įspūdį ir sukrėtė. Ačiū
– Very good exhibition. I can‘t say I liked it because things like that cannot be liked but it left me in awe and shocked. Thank you.
Žmogaus istorija – tai pasaulio istorija. Itin svarbu ir reikalinga susipažinti ir išgirsti šią istoriją. Tai buvo jautri, kūniška patirtis, kuri leido pajausti , priartėti.
– The history of man is the history of the world. Very important and needed to get to know and to hear this story. It was sensitive bodily experience that allowed us to feel – to get closer.
Man labai patiko.
– I liked it very much.
Ačiū už tikrovę , kuri visada šalia. Mes – šito gyvenimo dalis. Tai – daugiau nei menas.
– Thank you for the reality that is always beside us. We are part of this life. It is more than art.
Giliai ir sukrečiančiai papasakota istorija. Ačiū!
– Deeply and schockingly told story. Thank you!
Labai įspūdinga ir paveiki kelionė. Ačiū Jenny, kad pasiėmė į šią kelionę kartu.
– Very impressive and effective jurney. Thank you Jenny that you took us on this journey together.
Ačiū už jaudinančią šios skausmingos istorijos pasakojimo patirtį. Labai gilu, ačiū.
– Thank you for this moving experience when telling this painful story. Very deep, thank you.
Ačiū! Paroda, kurios negalima praleisti!
– Thank you! Exhibition that you cannot miss!
Palieka be žado.
– Left speechless.
Ačiū labai už viską, buvo labai įdomu, daug ką sužinojome, nuostabu!
– Thank you so much for everything, it was very interesting, we learned a lot, wonderful!
Informatyvi paroda. Atmosfera ir aplinka padėjo vizualiai įsijausti į to laikotarpio įvykius. Ačiū.
– Informative exhibition. The atmosphere and environment helped to visually immerse yourself in the event of that period. Thank you
Kitų istorijose išgirstu kaip skauda, bet ir įžvelgiu šviesą kitame žmoguje. Išsaukokite viltį ir žmogiškumą net tada, kai visi kiti sužverėja.
– I hear heartbreaking things in the stories of other people but I also can see the light in the other person. Cherish the hope even when everyone else become monsters.
Ačiū už istoriją, taip baisu.
– Thank you for the story, so scary.
Jautru, slogu… visą parodą galvojau ir apie šiuos laikus, Ukrainą! Dieve laimink!
I’m sensitive. The whole exhibition I was thinking about these times, Ukraine! God bless!
Nuostabi ir jaudinanti paroda. Prilysta geram spektakliui.
– Wonderful and touching exhibition. It feels like a good play.
Įsimintina kelionė per išskirtinę kelionę labai gera, įdomi, jautri paroda. Ačiū kūrėjams. Tegul niekam nebetenka to patirti.
– Unforgettable journey through unique journey, very good, interesting, touching exhibition. Thank you to the creators. I hope no one gets to experience that.
Truputį džiugu, bet gerokai daugiau liūdna. Tikiuosi, kad niekada negalėsiu patikrinti ar galėčiau rizikuojant savo artimūjų gyvybe gelbėti kitų gyvybes…
– A little bit happy but even more sad. I hope I will never be able to test if I can save other lives while risking the lives of my relatives…
Paroda suteikia galimybę iš vidinės perspektyvos pajausti ką reiškia būti žydu holokausto laikotarpiu.
– The exhibition allows to feel what it means to be a Jewish person during the holocaust from the inside perspective.
Labai įdomu.
– Very interesting
Viena įsimintiniausių parodų. Nepaprastai patiko!
– One of the most memorable exhibitions. I liked it so much!
Taip gilu ir jautru. Atidaryta vykstant tam šalia mūsų – ši paroda primena nepamiršti žmogiškumo.
– Very deep and touching. Opening it during what is going on near us – this exhibition reminds us
to not forget humanity.
Tegul niekada tai nepasikartoja…
– It better not happen again…
Linkiu visada eiti į šviesą ir tikėti gėriu.
– I wish to always go to the light and believe in goodness
Puikiai parinkta vieta! Labai įtaigu. Ypač stipriai paveikė mintis, kad parodoje užfiksuoti žiaurumai ir sulaužyti žmonių gyvenimai kartojasi ir šiandien Ukrainoje. Labai sunku tai priimti ir su tuo susitaikyti.
– Perfectly picked place! Very mesmerizing. Especially the thought that the horribleness and broken lives of the people captured in the exhibition are happening again in the Ukraine touched me deeply. Very hard to deal with it.
Iki jautriausių gelmių kalbanti ir paliečianti paroda tiek istorija, tiek fiziškai. Paroda ne tik per vienos šeimos istorijos labirintus, bet ir per visą Lietuvos žydų kasdienybę gete. Ačiū, kad palaikote atmintį gyvą.
– The exhibition talked and touched very deeply with the asstory as well as physical. The exhibition is not only about the labyrinths of one family but also about the daily lives of Lithuanian Jewish people in the ghetto. Thank you for keeping this memory alive.
Buvo įdomu pasižiūrėti senovę apie žydus.
– It was interesting to see old times about Jewish people
Ačiū už istoriją, kuri neturi kartotis.
– Thank you for the story which shouldn‘t happen again.
Ačiū už įdomią, originalią patirtį.
– Thank you for an interesting, original experience
Man buvo įdomu sužinoti apie žydų gyvenimą gete. Jų gyvenimas buvo baisus. Ačiū už tai, ka supažindinote su istorija ir prašau Dievą, kad tai nepasikartotų.
– It was interesting to me to find out about Jewish people lives in the ghetto. Their life was scary. Thank you for showing me with the story and I ask God for this to never happen again.
Nuostabi paroda
– Wonderful exhibition
Ačiū Kaunas 2022. Taip sukrečiančiai prasminga karo Ukrainoje metu…
– Thank you Kaunas 2022. Very disturbingly purposeful during the times of the war in Ukraine…
Viena labiausiai palietusių širdį parodų. Buvo emociškai sunku pajausti ir išgyventi iki širdies gelmių žinomą žydų tautos istoriją. Ačiū Kaunas 2022 ir Ačiū Jenny.
– One of the most heart-touching exhibitions. It was very emotionally hard to feel and experience the history of the Jewish people, which is known to the core. Thank you Kaunas 2022 and thank you Jenny.
Net nežinau ką ir pasakyti. Išėjau be žado, paveikta baisiosios istorijos, kuri šiuo metu vyksta Ukrainoje. Slava Ukraine!
– I don‘t even know what to say. I left in awe, touched by this horrible story which is currently happening in the Ukraine. Slava Ukraine!
Nuostabiausiai pristatyta žydų istorija iš kada matytų žydų istorijų pristatymų. Ačiū!
– Wnderfully presented the story of Jewish people out of all presentations about the lives of the Jewish people. Thank you!
Sukrečianti istorija. Tuo pačiu įkvepianti ir stebinanti žmonių atkaklumu ir noru gyventi. Viena geriausių parodų, kokiose esu buvusi.- – – Disturbing story. As well as inspirational and surprising with the persistence of the people and their will to live. One of the best exhibitions I‘ve ever been to.
Buvo nuostabu klausyti , skaityti ir pamatyti istoriją. Gaila, kad laiko nesužiūrėjom, tačiau paroda SUPER!
– It was wonderful to listen, read and see the story. It‘s a shame we didn‘t look at the time but the exhibition is SUPER!
AČIŪ! Parodos metu per kūną tikrai ėjo šiurpuliukai. Manau, kad kiekvienas turėtų šioje parodoje apsilankyti. Tai istorijos dalis, kurią, gaila, bet dažnai pamirštame.
– THANK YOU! During the exhibition I had goosebumps. I think that each and everyone of us should visit this exhibition. It‘s a part of the history that we, unfortunately, usually forget.
Labai kūrybiškai sukurta, leidžianti įsijausti į kiekvieną to laikmečio patirymą. Rekomenduoju.
– Very creatively made and it allows you to get into every experience of that time. I recommend.
Ačiū, už gerą apsilankymą! Manau, kad jūsų muziejus puikus. Rekomenduočiau kitiems apsilankyti pas jus. Simonas
– Thank you for the good visit! I think that your museum is great. I will recommend others to visit you. Simonas
Priverčianti susimąstyti istorija. Liūdna, bet tuo pačiu ir parodanti žmonių stiprumą.
– The story that made me think. Sad but at the same time showing the strength of the people.
Jautru, asmeniška. Ačiū! Prisiminkime tai.
– Touching, personal. Thank you! Let‘s remember that.
Labai gera, bet skausmo pilna paroda. Lenkiame galvas ją sukūrusiems menininkams.
– The exhibition is very good but full of the hurt. We are bowing our heads to the artist who created it.
Įdomi, įtraukianti paroda. Isimintina istorija bei interaktyvus jos pateikimas. Jautru pabūti šios istorijos dalimi ir išgyventi viską kartu. M.P.
– Interesting, immersive exhibition. Unforgettable story as well as its interactive presentation. It was touching to be the part of it and live through everything together. M. P.
Man labai patiko nesitikėjau kad man patiks
– I loved it I didn’t expect to like it
Sudomino istorija, todėl atėjau. Radau ir patyriau daugiau nei tikėjausi. Asta iš Vilniaus
– I came here because I was interested in the story. I found much more than expected. Asta from Vilnius
Tik meno išraiškos gali sustiprinti ir taip iš gyvenimo kraštų išsiiejančias istorijas. Asta iš LKT
– Just art forms can strengthen the stories that already expand from the corners of the life. Asta from LKT
Aplankė jausmas, lyg maža dalimi būčiau išgyvenusi šią istoriją. Graudu, įdomu, ačiū.
– I felt as if with a small part of myself I was living through the story. Sad, interesting, thank you.
VIenareikšmiškai stipri ir paveiki vieta. Puikus darbas. Apie žydų gyvenimą reikia kalbėti daugiau ir garsiau. Jų istorijos – tai Lietuvos istorija. Ačiū, kad parengėt tokią įsimintiną kelionę su Mara ir Juozapu!
– Unambigiously strong and mesmerizing place. Great job. We need to talk about the lives of the Jewish people more and louder. Their stories are the history of Lithuania. Thank you for creating such an unforgettable story with Mara and Joseph!
Ačiū, kad papasakojote apie žydus ir jų gyvenimą Kaune! ! ! Jokūbas
– Thank you for telling about Jewish people and their life in Kaunas!!! Jokūbas
Labai asmeniška, stipri, giliai paliečianti patirtis. AČIŪ
– Very personal, strong, deeply touching experience. THANK YOU
Paroda labai įdomi, galbūt tik dvikalbis skaitymas muša iš vėžių. Kai kurios vietos labai jautrios/jaudinančios ir labai palietė. Ačiū labai
– The exhibition was very interesting, however the two voice reading confused a little. Some parts were very touching and exciting. Thank you very much.
Paroda priverčia susimąstytii, domėtis, išgyventi…
– The exhibition makes you think, explore, survive…
Labai jaudinanti istorija. Duok Dieve, kad tokia istorija niekada nepasikartotų. Ačiū už parodą
– Very touching story. Please, God, don’t let this story happen again. Thank you for the exhibition
Jautri ir jaudinanti istorija, sumaniai perteikta, Ukrainos karo kontekste dar labiau sukreči
– Touching and exciting story, clever presentation, disturbs even more in the context of the war in Ukraine.
Privertė susimąstyti, vertinti bei džiaugti ką turi
– Made me think, value and be grateful with what I have
Labai sukrečianti ir įdomi paroda. Ačiū už tokią informatyvią patirtį
– Disturbing and interesting exhibition. Thank you for this informational experience
Paroda verta Venecijos bienalės salių..
– The exhibition worth Venice bienale halls
Įdomi bei verčianti susimąstyti paroda
– The exhibition was interesting and made me think
Ačiū! Kiekviena detalė apgalvota, istorijos įtraukia taip, kad imi gyventi su Mara, tarsi būtum šalia jos. Rekomenduoju šią patirtį!
– Thank you! Every detail is thought through, stories mesmerize so much that you start to live with Mara as if you were close to her. I recommend this experience!
Paroda, priverčianti susimąstyti ir vertinti, tai, ką turime ir džiaugtis LAISVE. PUIKU!
– The exhibition made me think and value everything that we have and be grateful for FREEDOM. GREAT!
Šiurpu, baisu, bet labai įdomu. Man patiko. Urtė
– Spooky, scary but very interesting. I liked it. Urtė
Labai patiko, tik biški baisu! Amelij
– I liked it but it was a little scary! Amelija
Man buvo baisu
– I was scared
Neįtikėina, kad visa tai vyko taip neseniai… Super parodos dizainas!
– Unbelievable that everything happened not so long ago… Super exhibition design!
Paroda, leidžianti pajusti negailestingą ir baisią tikrovę. O juk tai įvyko taip neseniai. Kad daugiau tai nepasikartotų!
– Exhibition that allows you to feel merciless and horrible reality. And all of this happened not so long ago. I wish this would never happen again!
English comments:
Thank you for the exhibition and the story telling.
Thank you very much for this moving exhibition.
I found this exhibition very cool!
It was a really hardfelt experience. I wish there would be more exhibitions like this in Lithuania and elsewhere.Jenny Kagan – thank you!
Thank you for B.B. story, Jenny. It still keeps going, it might never stop. We will tell our story and someone will re-tell it.
Thank you, this is impressive.
Thank you for this disturbing exhibition.
A masterclass in storytelling. Thank you for the immersive experience.
A really great experience. Thank you for telling this story.
Very impressive. Simple-making with good effects. Loved the puzzles.
The best exhibition I have ever been to. Every pupil and grown up especially in Europe should experience it! I hope this is a long-term exhibition that spreads to other countries!
I am amazed. True, powerful, heartbreaking story told in adventurous way. Thank you from Latvia
One of the most emotional expositions I have ever seen it makes you to think
Thank you. Such a moving experience.
It was a sensation like a heavy stone into my stomach… now it stands falling in my heart. And it will stay there always. Thank you very much.
An impressive journey of a terrible history that is so close.
Dear Miss Kagan, thank you for telling us your family story and teach me how to tell family stories with “poesie” and awareness. Thank you
It was wonderful experience. I am glad to hear the story.
Thank you for this interesting and wonderful experience and for letting us feel with and for your family and their extraordinary (love) story.
Thank you for telling us those stories! In such a creative way. Thank u so much!
Thank you for telling this story.
The story was very heartbreaking just like the exhibition. The personal and crafty style made everything a touching experience. Thank you.
Such courage that people have shown against such Barbaric cruelty we should never forget.
Jenny has brought to life a family and it’s struggles and triumphs. The legacy is in safe hands.
The most moving story Jenny has presented it well with feeling.
Moving! What an amazing exhibition. Thanks for sharing your mum’s story!
Thank you for sharing this very personal story with me – shocking and moving as it is! It gave life to a harsh reality we all need to remember.
A moving and powerful story – beautifully told.
To follow one family’s path makes it “easier” to relate to the horrors of the story. Thank you!
The amount of shock and upset I feel no matter the number of times I hear this story highlight the scale of events. This should never be forgotten.
It was hard to see Lithuanians both enemy and friend. Thank you for making me feel uneasy.
Important. Thank you all.
We must remember. We must not forget.
If it were possible to describe there’d be no need for poetry. If there were the words there’d be no need for art. Thank you
A moving and powerful story beautifully told.
MOVING! What an amazing exhibition. Thank you for sharing you mum story.it was hard to see
Lithuanians as both the enemy and friend. Thank you for making me feel uneasy
Thank you for telling your baffling, heartbreaking, surreal family story in this AMAZING way. The exhibit was educational, moving, enthralling, incredibly engaging. Bravo! And all the best. Marianna, Latvia
Nice! I liked it!
Jenny – the exhibition was excellent – you know it! A. Jac, Vilnius, 2022 VIII 17d
Very interesting and touching exhibition. I liked th interactive and expressional character as well as the whole memoir. Very personal, moving.
Best interactive exhibit I have been to, very immersive way of telling and incredible story.
To follow one family’s path makes it “easier” to relate to the horrors of the shoah. Comprehending 6-7milinnocent dead is tough. Thank you! V.M. from Berlin
The exhibition itself was really pretty and interesting. It’s such a tragic story portrayed with a punch.
So beautiful!
I can feel it in my bones. It’s so cold but thank you for the experience.
Thank you for sharing this very personal story with me – shocking and moving as it is! It gave life to a harsh reality we need to remember.
FR comments
Une installation très impressionnante. J‘aime les valises et le jeu par aller chercher de l‘eau.
– A very impressive installation. I loved the suitcases and the game of fetching water.
German comments
Gute!! Ist die liebe dich welt